About Sort List Utility
What is online Sorting List Utility?
This tools helps you to sort a series of numbers or string, separated by new line character.
How does sorting of string or sorting of number work?
Sorting of list works using javascript sort & reverse functions.
What all different types of sorting can be done in this online sorting tool?
This online string sorting tool can be used to sort strings alphabetically or by length. Alphabetically sorting in ascending order or alphabetically sorting in descending order or length based sorting in ascending or descending order.
Example: Are shown in placeholder.
Is this online string sorting tool safe & secure?
Yes, this online string sorting tool is safe & secure. We do not save any of your data in server. Neither the data is visible to any 3rd party.
Can we sort list of strings by length?
Yes, list of strings can be sorted by lenght in ascending & descending order
Can we sort list of strings alphabetically?
Yes, list of strings can be sorted alphabetically in ascending & descending order
Example string list
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